Registration will close Sat 7/13 for our upcoming AcuTalk
Is documentation and/or insurance billing on your mind? Do you have questions an expert can answer?
Join our AcuTalk on Tuesday 7/16
Effective and Proper Documentation including ICD11 Traditional Medicine Codes
Tuesday July 16, 2024 7:30-8:30pm via Zoom
1 CEU (Ethic) for licensed acupuncturists (if you pre-register)
ASM members register for free!
Brandon Hoffman and Sam Collins from the American Acupuncture Council (AAC) will be leading this 1 hour AcuTalk. They will also be presenting an in-depth 3 hour session at our Annual Meeting – covering many practice, insurance, and billing topics which you won’t want to miss.
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PS: As an ASM membership benefit, we will be sending the zoom link to to attend the live talk to all current members, no registration required. However no CEUs or CE certificates will be awarded.